lunes, 20 de abril de 2009

Qué and Cuál

First of all, forget about translating these two words into English, because it'll create more confusion. It's very easy and you'll get it fast...


1. It designates an object from a category:

- ¿Cuál es la moneda de España? -> El euro. (category: currency, specifically: euro)
- ¿Cuál es la capital de España? -> Madrid. (category: capital , specifically: Madrid)

2. It substitutes a noun previously mentioned:

- Esta noche voy al cine a ver una película. ¿Quieres venir?
- No sé. ¿Cuál vas a ver?


1. When QUÉ it's followed by a noun:

- ¿Qué hora es?
- ¿Qué película quieres ver?
- ¿Qué día es hoy?

*In South America they use more CUÁL when a noun follows it. So both are correct, depending on where you are. In Spain QUÉ.

2. When you want a definition:

- ¿Qué es un botijo? -> es un recipiente de barro que conserva el agua fría.
- ¿Qué son los Sanfermínes? -> es una fiesta del norte de España relacionada con toros.

3. It doesn't designate any categories:

- ¿Qué quieres decir?
- ¿Qué vas a hacer esta noche?
- ¿Qué significa botijo?

A small exercise to put into practice with situations:

1. You're in the class of Spanish language and you hear a word you don't know (guiri):

- Perdona, yo tengo una pregunta: ¿... es un guiri?
- Pues un guiri es un extranjero claramente identificable, normalmente rubio y con ojos azules, y que tiene dinero.

2. You need to go to the university and you don't know what bus you should take. You ask a Spanish friend:

- ¿Sabes ... autobús tengo que coger para ir a la universidad?
- A ver, me parece que el 4.

3. You go to the movies with a friend and you see the publicity board with all the movies. You ask your friend:

- ¿... quieres ver?
- No sé, me da igual. Y ¿tú?

4. You need to write down a friend's email. Ask him:

- Oye, ¿... es tu email?
- Sí, apunta:


What do Spanish people say when they don't hear or understand something? There are several options.

- ¿Sabes lo q a pssadou eta manyano in el caso? (impossible to understand) How would you answer in Spanish if you didn't understand the question? Here is what I suggest.

- ¿Cómo?
- ¿Qué qué? (said quickly)
- ¿Cómo cómo? (said quickly)

Other cultural uses you can hear.-

If you were to ask a friend the price of a cell phone for example, what would you ask him? Probably what you learned was:

- ¿Cuánto vale tu móvil? or ¿Cuánto dinero vale tu móvil?

Most Spanish say another thing though:

- ¿Qué vale tu móvil?

The prices of public buses usually change every year. You come to Spain again this year and ask:

- ¿Qué vale el autobús ahora?

Of course, you could also ask cuánto, but qué in this case is getting more and more common.

When you have to pay and you need to look for the wallet and take out the euros.-

Then it's when you ask: ¿cuánto es?

When you get on the bus and you don't know the price you ask the driver:

- ¿Cuánto es?

When you drank your coffee and go pay it:

- ¿Cuánto es el café?

When you bought several things at a shop and the shop assistant is putting your buy in a bag:

- ¿Cuánto es?

But of course, as I've said a few times already in this blog, nothing is absolutely used in one context and you could perfectly ask a friend: ¿cuánto es el autobús ahora?, and you don't need to pay him anything :)

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